User opinions and reviews for Sandpoint Ranch Tree Farm

By Concerned Parent, 03/27/22
to whom this may concern. this is a warning. to anyone who is looking for work STAY AWAY from this place. the head foreman abuses his power as boss. he will sexually harass female employees solicit sexual photos from female employees. my daughter recently worked for this company and informed my husband and I of this. we saw the text messages he sent her she is 16 years old looking to make her own money. she was very upset and chose not to return to work because of his actions. we were also informed that this is not his first attempt to solicit sexual pictures from minors. we made a phone call to the company told them about this. he is still employed buy this company. so this is a very serious warning to all who are thinking about this company for employment. please encourage your kids to stay away from this company keep them safe. concerned parent