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User opinions and reviews for Caribou Creek Log Homes

Before you believe Jason's review please read below...
By concerned citizen, 06/30/23
Before Jason had purchased this home, Caribou Creek had obtained the photos from the owner of that home and photographer. Caribou Creek used these photos before this home was owned by Jason Stringham. He did in fact reach out to Caribou Creek with his request. Caribou Creek has in fact used less of these photos per his request. However, we had a contract with the original home owner that allows us to obtain photos for advertising. If Caribou Creek has no finished pictures of their homes... how would they show potential clients what a finished product looks like? Caribou Creek has never disclosed the location of this project in any of our postings or any other Caribou home for that matter. Clients personal information is just that personal and not to be shared with anyone else. To condemn Caribou Creek's ethics and calling them "rude" because he did not get what he wanted, is a shame and slanderous. He has relentlessly bad mouthed Caribou Creek and the work they do on every platform imaginable. He has never worked with Caribou Creek. (2 years later and I stumbled upon this gem) I would think that if someone wanted privacy they wouldn't put their name on the complaint. As it is so easy to look up anyone on any platform. People can see where you are posting from, what your hobbies are and where you live. Jason, Caribou Creek has been apologetic to the fact that you were not aware of the situation when you purchased your home. We do own the pictures. To say that Caribou Creek can't stand on their own merit is obscene. Instead why not look at his own company Solar Tech and their reviews... Keep your words kind people ~ concerned citizen

unethical business practice. shameful
By jason stringham, 06/16/21
This company is blatantly disrespecting my privacy after using photos of my home for profit and marketing purposes. I have asked them nicely and politely to have them all removed- however they keep doing it. So sad how unethical and rude they are choosing to be when all we wanted was privacy. You Cleary can't stand on your own merit .

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