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S&H insalation pit road sagle idaho
By Former employer of S&H insalation, 01/09/20
Imbezzlement!!!!!!!!!!! Ted will not allow for a lunch break but works you three the day and late into the night without paying you for entire days and lots of hours. Your check is supost to be 1000 every other week at 12dollers a hour. Thats what I was started at. Avridge 90 hours a pay period. But he onelly gives you 40 to 50 of those hours. If you have a work related injury he will threaten to fire you if you go to doctors because of it.. you get no days off. If you take your day off he will threaten to fire you for that aswell. He will make you work from 7 am to 10 pm but you onelly get paid for a third of what you worked!! BE CARFULL IF YOU WORK FOR THIS CON ARTIST.!! HE DOSENT HAVE ALL THE PROPER LICENCING. And on top of everythang elts you have to buy your own tools and safety gear.. ted will not provide it.. and you better not be caught using safety gear.. he will get angry and threaten to fire you for that also. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR HOURS FROM START TO FINISH. CUZ TED WILL MINIPULATE AND STEEAL YOUR HOURS TO AFFORD HIS BOOZ. MEANING YOU BARLY MAKE ANYTHANG FOR THE KIND OF WORK YOU DO. THERE ARE ALOT BETTER PLACES TO WORK FOR THAT DONT DO THAT STUFF. THAT PAY 3000 TO 4000 A MONTH NOT 1000 OR LESS

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