Sandpoint, Idaho is known for the amazing Recreational Activities it offers from all four seasons. Sandpoint is located on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille which offers unmatched waterports, boating and fishing. Then in the backdrop of the city of Sandpoint stands Schweitzer Mountain Resort with some of the best snow skiing, mountain biking and hiking trails in the Northwest. Take a look in detail ar some of the Activities Sandpoint has to offer while you are visiting our beautiful town.
Summer in Sandpoint is a beatiful time of year with lots of sunshine and average temperatures in the 80's. People come from lots of other states to enjoy the activities in Sandpoint.
Sandpoint is a winter wonderland, with all the winter activities that you are use to enjoying and maybe even some new ones!
Spring in Sandpoint yields fun times to get rid of your cabin fever from the winter months.
Sandpoint is one o the most beautiful town in America in the falls with all the seasonal colors and smells in the air!
Visitors of Sandpoint, Idaho, who have entered the town from the south on highway 95, will have crossed Lake Pend Oreille, on the Long Bridge, which treats visitors to a vista they will not quickly forget.
With the lake's bright, unpolluted waters beneath them, travelers see the jagged etching of Montana's Cabinet Mountains against the sky to the east. To the north and west, rising sharply behind the town of Sandpoint, is the Selkirk Mountain range comprised of backcountry wilderness stretching some 60 miles toward the Canadian border. Add to all this evocative scenery the two-mile Long Bridge itself, which in addition to serving as a major traffic corridor provides a separate, highly popular recreational pathway for runners, walkers and bicyclists. In fact, the first sign travelers see upon entering the community states simply that "Sandpoint is a Walking Town."
And so newcomers to Sandpoint sense quickly that this year-round resort town and artists' community seems to be made for some welcomed "time-outs" from the stresses of traveling. With its streets lined by vintage maple trees and towering pine and fir, thoughts begin to occur that the community of Sandpoint might well make for an excellent place to call home. The town's turn-of-the-20th-century architecture with its refurbished office buildings, old movie theatre and numerous shops and restaurants, take travelers back to what many recall as a simpler time in their lives spent perhaps in the small childhood town in which they grew up. And who could possibly say you're wasting time spending part of your day enjoying a quality ice cream cone while walking slowly along Sandpoint's spectacular city beach? On the other hand, should you be inclined to spend your day actually doing something, you will discover that the city of Sandpoint's cultural and entertainment events offered throughout the year are extensive and diverse.
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